
Showing posts from 2019

10 Steps to solving market problems in Internal audit

An audit is nothing but a detailed and objective analysis of the financial and operation aspects of an organization, to ensure that the company is in compliance with the expected standards. There are various types of audits, mainly financial audits which gets into the details of the financial records, a compliance audit to ensure the firm is complying with the applicable laws, internal audit which is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity which is designed to improve and add value to an organization. Internal Auditors help organizations solve problems, however, organizations are not always keen on audit firms, not understanding how they could add value. As an audit firm, how can you add this value to organizations? Well, the answer is quite simple – by understanding the market problems and solving them. Let’s talk about how you can get this done. -           Start with understanding everything about the organization, their line of business, how well

How to Cut Down Your Electricity Bills This Summer

With the temperatures soaring high, your worries also start increasing about the electricity bill – which is bound to take a hit with all the cooling you will be required to undertake – so with this article, we’ll help you with smart and effective ways to cut down your electricity bills, while keeping you cool! Firstly, make use of the ceiling fan – not only does it help reduce the warmth, it also moves around air far more efficiently as compared to the Air Conditioner. Now, irrespective of whether you use the air conditioner or the ceiling fan – remember to switch it off while no one is around. More often than not, you’d feel like leaving it on so that once you return, the temperature is set for you – this not only will keep your bills at a high alert, but is also extremely detrimental to your health. So avoid it! Secondly, it’s important to pick the right wall for the air conditioner. Placing it on the hot side will make it feel like it’s far warmer, and will do its wor

Acquire the Best Assistance of our VAT Consultant to help your Business

With the introduction of VAT in Dubai , there has been a lot of chaos within organizations with understanding the many requirements and regulations around VAT. However, with the number of VAT firms in Dubai, it’s also become far simpler to use this to your advantage and help your business grow. It might be daunting to decide whether to have an internal team or hire a team of consultants – because companies tend to feel they will be in a vulnerable situation when their financials are exposed to external consultants. However, instead of being bogged down by the consultant’s expertise, it’s advisable to use it for the company’s benefit. TRC Pamco, a leading VAT firm in Dubai, offers exceptional VAT services with a team of knowledgeable professionals. The role of a consultant is to ensure that the business continues to grow in regard to the strategies, trends, methodologies etc. Along with this, the management will be inundated with questions but they should use